We are:

A movement of inspiration and hope in the Anglican Communion, seeking to bring together and strengthen lay and ordained people who recognize the positive, inclusive and joyful currents in the Catholic tradition of Christianity.



We are working to make the Catholic element within Anglicanism a positive force for the Gospel and a model for effective mission today.

As reformed and reforming Catholics, we seek to renew the universal Church by including those with different perspectives and bearing witness in the world to Christ’s healing and reconciling love.





  We value   We aim to
  • Regular prayer, study and worship to nurture personal growth and equip us to be Christ’s apostles in the world.

  • Commitment to the social and ethical transformation of the world.

  • A living catholic tradition to carry the gifts of the past into the future.

  • Models of love, friendship and community for all seeking to follow the gospel, irrespective of ethnicity, gender, disability or sexual orientation.

  • Diversity and freedom of conscience within the community of faith.

  • Liturgy to inspire holiness and relate the greatness of God to people today.


Resource people to grow in the faith, in order to help them respond to contemporary society’s spiritual hunger and thirst for justice.
Inform and influence debates in the Church by helping people to engage in the underlying theological issues.

The movement is composed primarily of members of Provinces of the Anglican Communion in the British Isles and those European Churches with which such provinces are in Communion.

We work in partnership with organisations which share our mission, aims and values especially the Society of Catholic Priests. We work closely with other progressive Anglican bodies in England through Inclusive Church.